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serves 4

Roasting the sweet potatoes can be done ahead of time, simply refrigerate until use and bring the potatoes to room temp (or warm) before assembling the burritos.


  • 2 lg sweet potatoes
    salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
    1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
    1/2 t cumin
    3 eggs + 3 egg whites
    splash of milk
    guacamole (1 avocado's worth, or 1/3 of the recipe)
    whole wheat tortillas (8-10")
    goat cheese


  • Preheat oven to 350 F. Wash sweet potatoes, poke them with a fork a few times, and wrap them in foil. Place on a cookie sheet and roast for about 1hr, until they're soft and easily pricked with a fork. Set aside and let cool, then cut into a rough dice. Transfer to a bowl and mash with a little salt and freshly ground pepper.

    Place black beans into a bowl, season with cumin, salt and freshly ground black pepper. Roughly mash with a fork, or puree in a food processor.

    Preheat a large skillet over medium low heat. Add eggs and whites in a small bowl, a splash of milk and a bit of salt and freshly ground pepper. Once the pan is warmed, cook eggs slowly, stirring quite often, until they have just started to set. Turn off the heat.

    To assemble burritos, place tortillas in a damp paper towel and microwave for 15-30 seconds.
    On each burrito, place 3 to 4 T black bean mash, 1/3 c roasted sweet potatoes, 1/4 of the eggs and 2-3 T guacamole. Wrap up the tortillas to enclose filling, then top with salsa and goat cheese.
Sweet Potato Black Bean Burritos

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