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Serves: 6


  • 8 ounces farfalle (bow ties)
    1 bunch broccoli
    4 red pepers, cut into 1 inch squares
    2 7-1/2 ounces cans solid white tuna in oil, drained and broken into large chunks
    1 cup italian olives or other cured green olives

    1/2 cup olive oil
    3 teaspoons red wine vinegar
    2 teaspoons capers, drained
    1 teaspoon oregano, chopped
    2 cloves garlic, minced
    3/4 teaspoon salt
    1/4 teaspoon ground pepper


  • Cook pasta until al dente. Drain, rinse with cold water, drain again and transfer to a large shallow bowl. Toss with 2 tablespoons olive oil.
    Cut broccoli stems from florets. Peel and slice into 1/2 inch pieces. Divide florets into approximately 1 inch pieces.
    Cook stems in boiling salted water about 5 minutes.
    Cook florets in boiling salted water about 3 minutes. Drain broth, rinse with cold water and drain again. Gently pat dry with paper towels. Toss florets only with 1/4 cup dressing and chill; reserve. Add the broccoli stems, peppers, olives and tuna to the pasta and toss gently with the remaining dressing. Cover and chill at least 2 hours before serving. Make a border with the broccoli florets before bringing to the table.
Tuna and broccoli with farfalle

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