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Serves: 5

The Spanish Gazpachio. Salmorejo is a purée consisting of tomato and bread, originating from Cordoba in Andalucia, south of Spain. It is made from tomatoes, bread, oil, garlic.


  • 8 Medium Tomatoes (Use quality tomatoes for best results)
    1 medium baguette
    3/4 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
    1 clove of garlic
    a splash of Sherry Vinegar (Vinagre de Jerez, or red wine vinegar can be substituted)
    A pinch of salt
    2 hard boiled eggs
    Sliced Serrano Ham, or Prosciutto (optional)
    bread croutons


  • Scald the tomatoes adding them to boiling water for about 30-60 seconds. Remove immediately and place in a cold water. The skin will peel right off of the tomatoes.
    First Blend: Cut out the cores of the tomatoes, cut into quarters and them to a blender. Blend at high-speed for about 30 seconds until the tomatoes are broken down.
    Add bread: Cut the baguette in half lengthwise. Take all of the white bread out of the baguette and add them to the blended tomatoes. The baguette should have given about 2-3 cups of bread. Let the bread soak in the tomato juice for about 5 minutes.
    Second Blend: Add the splash of vinegar, salt, and garlic and blend until the soup is an even texture and the bread is completely broken down.
    Add Oil: Slowly add the olive oil as you are blending at a moderate speed
    Add Egg and Adjust: Add 1 hard boiled egg and blend until incorporated. Taste and adjust the salt, vinegar, garlic, and bread.
    Serve and Enjoy: Serve in small bowls with diced hard boiled egg and sliced ham as condiments, or toasted bread croutons from the bread crust. Serve cold.
Spanish salmorejo

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