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  • Roasting vegetables

    5 pounds of Roma tomatoes, washed & sliced in half
    1 large sweet onion, peeled & sliced
    2-3 large garlic bulbs, prepared for roasting see note below
    extra virgin olive oil, kosher salt, & pepper, for vegetables

    3 cups roasted tomatoes
    2 tbsp roasted garlic flesh
    all of the roasted sweet onion
    1 can light coconut milk (reserve 2-3 tbsp for garnish)
    3 cups vegetable broth (I used low-sodium)
    2 tbsp tomato paste
    2 tsp garam masala
    1 tsp salt or to taste (you may have to reduce amt. if you used full-sodium broth)
    1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
    for garnish: garlic croutons, coconut milk, garam masala, pepper, etc.

    Note: Garam masala is a blend of ground spices common in India, Pakistan, and other South Asian cuisines.
    A typical Indian version of garam masala contains:
    Black and white peppercorns, Cloves, Cinnamon or cassia bark, Mace (part of nutmeg), Black and green cardamom pods, Bay leaf, Cumin, Coriander


  • 1. Preheat oven to 400F and line 2 baking sheets with tin foil (note that parchment paper will burn). Grab a small casserole dish to place the garlic in. For how to prepare the garlic, see below. Lightly drizzle on EVOO (“extra-virgin olive oil” ) onto onions and season onions and tomatoes with S & P. Roast for about 30 minutes and then check on the vegetables. You might have to remove the onions early as they cook the quickest. When the onions are golden and lightly blackened on the edge, you can remove them. Continue roasting the garlic for about one hour (check it after 45mins), and the tomatoes for about 1 hour.
    2. Add 3 cups roasted tomatoes, 2 tbsp roasted garlic flesh, and all the onion into a large pot. Add coconut milk, tomato paste, and broth and stir well.
    3. Stir in the seasonings and spices to taste. Bring to a boil and then simmer for about 5-10 minutes.
    4. Carefully transfer into a blender, processor, or use an immersion blender. Pulse for just a few seconds until chunky or longer until smooth. Serve immediately and garnish with reserved coconut milk, a sprinkle of garam masala, croutons, and fresh black pepper.

    To Roast Garlic
    Preheat the oven to 400F. Peel off the loose skin.
    Cut off the garlic heads so the garlic is exposed at the top.
    Place a piece of tin foil underneath the garlic and drizzle about 1 tsp of olive oil on top, making sure to cover each exposed clove.
    Wrap each garlic clove in tin foil and place in a small oven-safe dish or muffin tin.
    Roast in the oven for 40-60 minutes at 400F until the cloves are golden in color.
    Allow to cool for 10-15 minutes before gently squeezing the garlic out of each skin. You can also use a paring knife to cut away the skin.
    The pungent flavor of raw garlic is now gone, leaving behind a buttery and mild garlic spread.
    You can spread it on bread, mix into roasted tomato basil pesto, mash into high protein potatoes, use in pasta sauce, or eat it on toast!

Creamy roasted tomato soup with garlic onion and coconut

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