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Serves 4

Making burgers has taken a new meaning. Use fresh salmon for this recipe. The burger patties can be prepared 2 hours in advance.


  • 4 kaiser rolls, or hamburger buns
    1 tablespoon butter, softened
    1 pound salmon, boned and skinned
    1/2 cup seeded and diced red bell pepper
    1/2 cup seeded and diced green bell pepper
    2 tablespoons chopped green onion
    1/4 teaspoon green tabasco sauce
    1 tablespoon fresh dill, chopped
    to taste salt, ground black pepper
    1 egg white
    1 tablespoon canola oil
    2 teaspoon butter
    4 thick slices large tomatoes
    1/2 cup tartar sauce
    2 cups cole slaw


  • Preheat the broiler. Lightly brush bread with butter. Broil on both sides for about 2 minutes. Set aside.
    To prepare the salmon burger mixture:
    Cube the boneless and skinless salmon. Chop finely on a cutting board. In a large bowl, combine the salmon with the red and green peppers, green onion, tabasco, salt and pepper to taste. Beat the egg white with a wire whisk until soft peaks form. Fold into the salmon mixture.
    Divide into 4 equal portions, shape into patties 3/4-inch thick and 4 inches in diameter.
    Refrigerate the patties on a tray until ready to use.
    When chilled they hold together better.
    Preheat a large nonstick skillet on the stove over medium heat until hot.
    Brush the salmon burgers with canola oil on both sides, and carefully place in the skillet. Cook until browned, 3 to 5 minutes. Turn and continue cooking the burgers until they are browned and just cooked through.
    Arrange each salmon burger on a bun. Top with a slice of tomato, one heaping tablespoon of tartar sauce, 1/4 cup mixed green salad and finish with another piece of bread.
Salmon burgers

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