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Serves: 4

Once upon a time the world of pasta was crowned by the great "Caccia e pepe" recipe. And now comes a rival: Spaghettoni in butter and fresh yeast. The creative spaghettoni recipe (a thicker form of spaghetti) is served swaddled in butter and sprinkled with dehydrated brewer's yeast for a tangy, umami finish. Using good quality ingredients is imperative in this dish due to its minimalism, so source the best butter, spaghettoni and yeast that you can. The dish may seem simple, but legendary chef Alain Ducasse once described it as the best dish he'd ever had – high praise indeed.


  • 1 cube of fresh brewer's yeast (Large cubes of soft and crumbly dough in beige / light gray color)
    320g of spaghettoni pasta,(thicker form of spaghetti) preferably artisinal
    130g of good quality butter


  • Crumble the yeast onto a baking tray and dry out in the oven or a dehydrator at 70°C for around 5 hours

    Cook the spaghettoni in salted boiling water until al dente, for about 8–12 minutes

    In a separate pan, soften the butter. Add the cooked spaghettoni and season with salt and pepper

    Neatly plate the pasta and sprinkle with the dried yeast to finish
Spaghettoni in butter and fresh yeast

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